My Horsey Collection!

Hi! My name's Becky. I've just started making my webpage, so it's not gonna look like this when it's done. If there's something on this page that you like or don't like, PLEASE tell me so I can keep it or remove it, or even add something. I already have a webpage, but I wanted to make another one about unicorns, horses, pegasuses, and stuff like that. I got all of these from:

Get your Unicorn here
You can get a unicorn or pony there, too!

Hi! I'm Starlet, and I'm the first horse that Becky's adopted! I was born July 13, 1998 at the Unicorn Adoption Center. I never found out who my parents were, but I've been well cared for by Becky and many other kind people. When I grow up, I want to fly from star to star with my friends, Merrylegs, and Sparkle! Well, it's getting late and I'm kinda sleepy. Bye!

Woof woof! Bow wow!
Horses aren't the only
animals kept on this

Favourite links

My Nursery!
Come see my babies...

Only one family here at the moment, but more are expected...

My Sky Ponies!
Come see my ponies....with wings....!

Email me at:
[email protected]

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